

DBA Compliance

October 1, 2015 Brownfields, News, Owner's Representative, Projects Brian Nowakowski
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Received some Federal Funding this year for Construction Projects?

Don’t get tripped up with Davis Bacon Compliance!

Things our clients have done to make DBA compliance easy:

  • Labor Rates: Apply DBA requirements properly. When issuing bid specs for construction related services that will result in a contract value greater than $2,000, be sure to include as an attachment the most current US Department of Labor rates that are applicable to your community.
  • Compliance: Through education and advice, support contractor compliance with labor standards. Provide basic training and technical support to contractors to ensure that they understand their obligations under wage and reporting requirements.
  • Monitoring: Monitor contractor performance. Perform reviews of certified payroll submissions and other information to help ensure contractor compliance with labor standards provisions and the payment of Davis-Bacon wages to workers.
  • Review: Investigate probable violations and complaints of underpayment. Thoroughly explore any evidence of violations, especially allegations of underpayment.
  • Sanctions: Pursue debarment and other available sanctions against repeat labor standards violators. Carry-out a no-tolerance policy toward contractors who violate wage laws.

Click here for a DBA compliance overview.
Click here for a generic DBA certification form that some of our clients have used with their contractors.

And remember, this information is not meant as a substitute for legal advice. If you have any DBA compliance questions or issues, be sure to reach out to the DBA Specialist at your federal funding agency.

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